Several African countries have recently centralized their agricultural markets by launching a commodity exchange. What will be the impact of such a move? Who will be the winners and the losers? We develop a simple search model to study the impact of introducing a commodity exchange in a village economy where traders and farmers exchange on a bilateral basis. We study the efficiency gains from moving from the status quo to a trading regime where farmers have the option of selling their produce to a commodity exchange. We describe how the gains from trade are distributed between farmers, traders and the commodity exchange itself. We show that a dual economy where farmers sell both to the bilateral and the commodity exchange can exist in equilibrium, and that forcing all farmers to sell into the commodity exchange can make some farmers worse off.
“From Bilateral Trade to Centralized Markets: A Search Model for Commodity Exchanges in Africa,” with Pellegrina, H. S., (2021).
- Africa
- Agriculture
- Arab Gulf
- Bayesian
- Brain Drain
- Commodities
- Development
- Education
- Energy
- Europe
- Experimental
- Game Theory
- Ghana
- Growth/Development
- Health
- Human Capital
- Institutions
- Labor Markets
- Macroeconomics
- Mapping
- Markets
- Migration
- Monopoly
- Monopsony
- Remittances
- Social Protection
- Technology
- Theory
- Trade
Economic Development and Human Capital Theory
From Bilateral Trade to Centralized Markets: A Search Model for Commodity Exchanges in Africa
“From Bilateral Trade to Centralized Markets: A Search Model for Commodity Exchanges in Africa,” with Pellegrina, H. S., (2021).
World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 31, No. 3
Nyarko, Y. (co-editor). The World Bank Economic Review. Number 3, Volume 31, (2017) Oxford University Press.
Price Information, Inter-Village Networks, and “Bargaining Spillovers”: Experimental Evidence from Ghana
“Price Information, Inter-Village Networks, and 'Bargaining Spillovers': Experimental Evidence from Ghana,” with Hildebrandt, N., Romagnoli, G., and Soldani, E., (2020).
Digital Trading and Market Platforms: Ghana Case Study
Keren Neza, Yaw Nyarko, Angela Orozco. “Digital Trading and Market Platforms: Ghana Case Study” in Madon T., Anderson R.J., Casaburi L., Lee K., Rezaee A., Gadgil A.J. (eds.), An Introduction to Development Engineering, Springer, 2021.
Wages of Chagrin
Wages of chagrin. (2016, April 07). The Economist. Retrieved from
Africa Tourism Monitor
Nyarko, Y. (edited by). (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018). Africa Tourism Monitor. Published by the African Development Bank.
The State of Tourism in Africa
Nyarko, Y. (co-producer). (2011). The State of Tourism in Africa. Joint with the World Bank and the Africa Travel Association.
Satellite Image Analytics, Land Change and Food Security
Chakraborty, S., Jabbar, Z., Subramanian, L., and Nyarko, Y., (2016). Satellite Image Analytics, Land Change and Food Security. ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Data Science for Food, Energy and Water (DSFEW), Co-located with KDD 2016, San Francisco, USA.
Computing the Rate of Disappearance of Cropland Using Satellite Images
Chakraborty, S., Dalton, S., Nyarko, Y., and Subramanian, L., (2012). Computing the Rate of Disappearance of Cropland Using Satellite Images. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Sustainability, Denmark.
Managed Labor Migration in Afghanistan: A Brief Review of the Academic Migration Literature
Chartouni, C., & Nyarko, Y. (2018). Managed Labor Migration in Afghanistan: A Brief Review of the Academic Migration Literature. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Monopsony Power in Migrant Labor Markets: Evidence from the United Arab Emirates
Naidu, S., Nyarko, Y., & Wang, S. Y. (2016). Monopsony Power in Migrant Labor Markets: Evidence from the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Political Economy, 124(6), 1735-1792. See slides for this paper
Preparing for Ebola Virus Disease in West African Countries Not Yet Affected: Perspectives from Ghanaian Health Professionals
Nyarko, Y., Goldfrank, L., Ogedegbe, G., Soghoian, S., & Aikins, A. D. G. (2015). Preparing for Ebola Virus Disease in West African Countries Not Yet Affected: Perspectives from Ghanaian Health Professionals. Globalization and Health, 11(1), 7.
Mobility, Human Capital, Remittances, and Economic Transformation
Nyarko, Y. “Mobility, Human Capital, Remittances, and Economic Transformation.” The Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics: Volume 2: Policies and Practices., edited by Justin Lin et al., Oxford University Press, 480-493, 2015.
Education, Internal Remittances and Safety Nets in Africa: Some Evidence
Gyimah-Brempong, K., & Nyarko, Y. (2015). Education, Internal Remittances and Safety Nets in Africa: Some Evidence. Journal of African Development, 17(1), 1-16.
Actors of Change in Africa: Human Capital and Markets
Nyarko, Y. “Actors of Change in Africa: Human Capital and Markets.” Africa at a Fork in the Road: Taking Off or Disappointment Once Again?, edited by Ernesto Zedillo et al., Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, 355–363, 2015.
Structure and Performance of Ethiopia’s Coffee Export Sector
5. Minten, B., Tamru, S., Kuma, T., & Nyarko, Y. (2014). Structure and Performance of Ethiopia’s Coffee Export Sector. Intl Food Policy Res Inst., (66).
The Economic Development Benefits of Human Mobility to Source Countries
Nyarko, Y. (2013). The Economic Development Benefits of Human Mobility to Source Countries. Labor Mobility, an Enabler for Sustainable Development. Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) Conference, 49-67.
Experiences in Designing a Mobile GIS Mapping Tool for Rural Farmers in Ghana
Chakraborty, S., Tong, T., Chen, J., Aman, A., Mufti, T., Nyarko, Y., & Subramanian, L. (2013). Experiences in Designing a Mobile GIS Mapping Tool for Rural Farmers in Ghana. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on Computing for Development, ACM, p. 28.
Sustaining High Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Knowledge and the Structure of the Economy
Nyarko, Y. (2013). Sustaining High Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Knowledge and the Structure of the Economy. Journal of African Economies, 22(1), i77-i101.
The Brain Drain in Africa
Nyarko, Y. “The Brain Drain in Africa.” Oxford Companion to Economics in Africa, edited by Ernesto Aryeetey et al., Oxford University Press, 2012.
The Returns to the Brain Drain and Brain Circulation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Some computations using data from Ghana
Nyarko, Y. (2011). The Returns to the Brain Drain and Brain Circulation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Some computations using data from Ghana (No. w16813). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Africa and the Indian Ocean: Trade, Investments, Global Partnerships, and Lessons
Nyarko, Y. (2011). Africa and the Indian Ocean: Trade, Investments, Global Partnerships, and Lessons. Journal of African Development, 13(1), 9-15.
Social Safety Nets: The Role of Education, Remittances and Migration
Nyarko, Y., & Gyimah-Brempong, K. (2011). Social Safety Nets: The Role of Education, Remittances and Migration. European Report on Development.
Rethinking the MDGS: Towards an Alternative Development Agenda Post-2015
Nyarko, Y. (2011). Rethinking the MDGS: Towards an Alternative Development Agenda Post-2015. Regional Workshop on Articulating Africa’s Position on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, UNECA.
Review of African Household Survey Data on Social Safety-Nets and the Role of Education, Remittances and Migration
Nyarko, Y., Gyimah-Brempong, K., & Peter-Hellwig, K. (2010). Review of African Household Survey Data on Social Safety-Nets and the Role of Education, Remittances and Migration. European Report on Development.
The United Arab Emirates: Some Lessons in Economic Development, Working Paper
Nyarko, Y. (2010). The United Arab Emirates: Some Lessons in Economic Development, Working Paper (No. 2010/11). World Institute for Development Economics Research. Republished in Achieving Development Success: Strategies and Lessons from the Developing World, edited by Augustin K. Fosu, Oxford University Press, 2013.
EU Policies and African Human Capital Development
Nyarko, Y. (2010). EU Policies and African Human Capital Development. European Report on Development.
Africa and the Arab Gulf: A New Economic and Political Alliance?
Melitsko, S., & Nyarko, Y. (2010). Africa and the Arab Gulf: A New Economic and Political Alliance? Journal of African Development, 12(1), 10-19.
Is the Brain Drain Good for Africa?
Nyarko, Y., & Easterly, W. “Is the Brain Drain Good for Africa?” Skilled Immigration Today: Prospects, Problems, and Policies., edited by Bhagwati et al., Oxford University Press, 2009.
The New Growth Theory
Nyarko, Y. “The New Growth Theory.” Fundamental Economics- Volume I (EOLSS), edited by Majumdar et al., UNESCO, 2002.
Stepping-stone mobility
Jovanovic, B., & Nyarko, Y. (1997). Stepping-stone mobility. Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 46, 289-325.
The Bayesian Foundations of Learning by Doing
Jovanovic, B., & Nyarko, Y. (1996). The Bayesian Foundations of Learning by Doing. Econometrica, 64(6), 1299-1310.
Research and Productivity
Jovanovic, B., & Nyarko, Y. “Research and Productivity.” Creation and Transfer of Knowledge, edited by Navaretti et al., Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1995.
A Bayesian Learning Model Fitted to a Variety of Empirical Learning Curves
Jovanovic, B., & Nyarko, Y. (1995). A Bayesian Learning Model Fitted to a Variety of Empirical Learning Curves. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Microeconomics, (1), 247-305.
The Transfer of Human Capital
Jovanovic, B., & Nyarko, Y. (1995). The Transfer of Human Capital. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 19(5-7), 1033-1064.
On the Informational Content of Advice: A Theoretical and Experimental Study
Nyarko, Y., Schotter, A., & Sopher, B. (2006). On the Informational Content of Advice: A Theoretical and Experimental Study. Economic Theory, 29(2), 433-452.
An Experimental Study of Belief Learning using Elicited Beliefs
Nyarko, Y., & Schotter, A. (2002). An Experimental Study of Belief Learning using Elicited Beliefs. Econometrica, 70(3), 971-1005. (See data for this paper).
Game Theory and Bayesian Learning Models
Most Games Violate the Common Priors Doctrine
Nyarko, Y. (2010). Most Games Violate the Common Priors Doctrine. International Journal of Economic Theory, 6(1), 189-194.
Bayesian Learning and Convergence to Nash Equilibria without Common Priors
Nyarko, Y. (1998). Bayesian Learning and Convergence to Nash Equilibria without Common Priors. Economic Theory, 11(3), 643-655.
Convergence in Economic Models with Bayesian Hierarchies of Beliefs
Nyarko, Y. (1997). Convergence in Economic Models with Bayesian Hierarchies of Beliefs. Journal of Economic Theory, 74(2), 266-296.
Savage-Bayesian Models of Economics
Kiefer, N., & Nyarko, Y. “Savage-Bayesian Models of Economics.” Essays in learning and rationality in economics and games, Basil Blackwell, 40-62, 1995.
On the Convexity of the Value Function in Bayesian Optimal Control Problems
Nyarko, Y. (1994). On the Convexity of the Value Function in Bayesian Optimal Control Problems. Economic Theory, 4(2), 303-309.
Bounded Rationality and Learning
Nyarko, Y., Woodford, M., & Yannelis, N. C. (1994). Bounded Rationality and Learning. Economic Theory, 4(6), 811-820.
Bayesian Learning Leads to Correlated Equilibria in Normal Form Games
Nyarko, Y. (1994). Bayesian Learning Leads to Correlated Equilibria in Normal Form Games. Economic Theory, 4(6), 821-841.
On the Convergence of Bayesian Posterior Processes in Linear Economic Models: Counting Equations and Unknowns
Nyarko, Y. (1991). On the Convergence of Bayesian Posterior Processes in Linear Economic Models, Counting Equations and Unknowns. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 15(4), 687-713.
Learning in Mis-Specified Models and the Possibility of Cycles
Nyarko, Y. (1991). Learning in Mis-Specified Models and the Possibility of Cycles. Journal of Economic Theory, 55(2), 416-427.
Optimal Bayesian Control of a Nonlinear Regression Process with Unknown Parameters
Kiefer, N., & Nyarko, Y. “Optimal Bayesian Control of a Nonlinear Regression Process with Unknown Parameters.” Modeling and Control of Systems, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, edited by Austin Blaquiére, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 355-362, 1989.
Optimal Control of an Unknown Linear Process with Learning
Kiefer, N., & Nyarko, Y. (1989). Optimal Control of an Unknown Linear Process with Learning. International Economic Review, 30(3), 571-586.
Control of a Linear Regression Process with Unknown Parameters
Kiefer, N., & Nyarko, Y. “Control of a Linear Regression Process with Unknown Parameters.” Dynamic Econometric Modelling, edited by Barnett et al., Cambridge University Press, 105-120, 1988.
Optimal Growth with Unobservable Resources and Learning
Nyarko, Y., & Olson, L. J. (1996). Optimal Growth with Unobservable Resources and Learning. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 29(3), 465-491.
Stochastic Growth When Utility Depends on Both Consumption and the Stock Level
Nyarko, Y., & Olson, L. J. (1994). Stochastic Growth When Utility Depends on Both Consumption and the Stock Level. Economic Theory, 4(5), 791-797.
Stochastic Dynamic Models with Stock-Dependent Rewards
Nyarko, Y., & Olson, L. J. (1991). Stochastic Dynamic Models with Stock-Dependent Rewards. Journal of Economic Theory, 55(1), 161-168.
On the Existence of Optimal Processes in Non-Stationary Environments
Mitra, T., & Nyarko, Y. (1991). On the Existence of Optimal Processes in Non-Stationary Environments. Journal of Economics, 53(3), 245-270.
Dynamic Optimization under Uncertainty: Non-Convex Feasible Set
Majumdar, M., Mitra, T., & Nyarko, Y. “Dynamic Optimization under Uncertainty: Non-Convex Feasible Set.” Joan Robinson and Modern Economic Theory, edited by George Feiwel, Macmillan Press, 545-590, 1989.
On Characterizing Optimality of Stochastic Competitive Processes
Nyarko, Y. (1988). On Characterizing Optimality of Stochastic Competitive Processes. Journal of Economic Theory, 45(2), 316-329. Reprinted in Decentralization in Infinite Horizon Economies, edited by Mukul Majumdar, Westview Press, 100-113, 1992.
GreenApps: A Platform for Cellular Edge Applications
Ahmad, T., Reed-Sanchez, E., Zarinni, F., Afutu, A., Adjaho, K., Nyarko, Y., & Subramanian, L. (2018, June). GreenApps: A Platform For Cellular Edge Applications. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies, (p. 45). ACM.
Review of “The Economy of Ghana Sixty Years after Independence”
Nyarko, Y. (2018). Review of “The Economy of Ghana Sixty Years after Independence.” edited by Ernest Aryeetey and Ravi Kanbur, American Economic Association Journal of Economic Literature, 56(2), 697-701.
Asymmetric Information and Remittances: Evidence from Matched Administrative Data
Joseph, T., Nyarko, Y., & Wang, S. Y. (2018). Asymmetric Information and Remittances: Evidence from Matched Administrative Data. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(2), 58-100.
Transforming Rural Africa - Economics, Technology and Governance
Nyarko, Y. (2017). Transforming Rural Africa - Economics, Technology and Governance. Journal of African Development, 19(1), 160-167.
Food price Volatility and its Consequences: Introduction
Arezki, R., El Aynaoui, K., Nyarko, Y., & Teal, F. (2016). Food price Volatility and its Consequences: Introduction. Special Issue, Oxford Economics Papers, 68(3), 655-664.
Rural Agricultural Markets: A Case Study in Ghana. Working paper prepared for the International Growth Centre
Nyarko, Y. (2016). Rural Agricultural Markets: A Case Study in Ghana. Working paper prepared for the International Growth Centre (London School of Economics).
Commodity Exchanges in Africa: Transforming African Agriculture and Finance
Nyarko, Y. (2016). Commodity Exchanges in Africa: Transforming African Agriculture and Finance (Policy Brief). International Growth Center (London School of Economics).
Comparing Learning Models with Ideal Micro & Experimental Data Sets
Nyarko, Y., & Schotter, A. (2000). Comparing Learning Models with Ideal Micro & Experimental Data Sets. New York University.
The Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder: or Equilibrium in Beliefs and Rational Learning in Games
Nyarko, Y. (1998). The Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder: or Equilibrium in Beliefs and Rational Learning in Games, Working Paper (No. 98-12). C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University.
Learning, Quantal Response Equilibrium and Equilibrium in Beliefs
Nyarko, Y. (1998). Learning, Quantal Response Equilibrium and Equilibrium in Beliefs, Working Paper (No. 01-03, revised 2001). C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University.
Review of the book “Games, Strategies and Managers,” by John McMillan
Nyarko, Y. (1993). Review of the book “Games, Strategies and Managers,” by John McMillan, Journal of Economic Literature, 31(2), 890-891.