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Papers related to:  Macroeconomics

World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 31, No. 3

Nyarko, Y. (co-editor). The World Bank Economic Review. Number 3, Volume 31, (2017) Oxford University Press.

What Is Considered Development Economics? Commonalities and Differences in University Courses around the Developing World - David McKenzie and Anna Luisa Paffhausen

Does Financial Education Impact Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior, and If So, When? -Tim Kaiser and Lukas Menkhoff

A First Step up the Energy Ladder? Low Cost Solar Kits and Household’s Welfare in Rural Rwanda -Michael Grimm, Anicet Munyehirwe, Jörg Peters, and Maximiliane Sievert

The Cost of Fear: The Welfare Effect of the Risk of Violence in Northern Uganda - Marc Rockmore

Identifying Gazelles: Expert Panels vs. Surveys as a Means to Identify Firms with Rapid Growth Potential -Marcel Fafchamps and Christopher Woodruff

On Minimizing the Risk of Bias in Randomized Controlled Trials in Economics - Alex Eble, Peter Boone, and Diana Elbourne

Donor Competition for Aid Impact, and Aid Fragmentation - Kurt Annen and Luc Moers

The Impacts of India’s Food Security Policies on South Asian Wheat and Rice Markets - Nelson Benjamin Villoria and Elliot Wamboka Mghenyi

Effect of Lengthening the School Day on Mother’s Labor Supply -Dante Contreras and Paulina Sepúlveda

Can Agricultural Interventions Improve Child Nutrition? Evidence from Tanzania - Anna Folke Larsen and Helene Bie Lilleør

The Impact of Positive and Negative Income Changes on the Height and Weight of Young Children - Thomas Buser, Hessel Oosterbeek, Erik Plug, Juan Ponce, and José Rosero

The Effect of a Transfer Program for the Elderly in Mexico City on Co-Residing Children’s School Enrollment - Emilio Gutierrez, Laura Juarez, and Adrian Rubli

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The United Arab Emirates: Some Lessons in Economic Development, Working Paper

Nyarko, Y. (2010). The United Arab Emirates: Some Lessons in Economic Development, Working Paper (No. 2010/11). World Institute for Development Economics Research. Republished in Achieving Development Success: Strategies and Lessons from the Developing World, edited by Augustin K. Fosu, Oxford University Press, 2013.

Oil was discovered in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) just 50 years ago. During that time, UAE has ben able to transform itself into a rapidly modernizing country, which is fast becoming a major economic hub and a key player on the international economic landscape.

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Optimal Growth with Unobservable Resources and Learning

Nyarko, Y., & Olson, L. J. (1996). Optimal Growth with Unobservable Resources and Learning. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 29(3), 465-491.

This paper examines the problem of choosing optimal resource consumption from an imperfectly observable aggregate capital, wealth, or resource stock with the decision-maker learns about over time.

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Stochastic Dynamic Models with Stock-Dependent Rewards

Nyarko, Y., & Olson, L. J. (1991). Stochastic Dynamic Models with Stock-Dependent Rewards. Journal of Economic Theory, 55(1), 161-168.

We examine the behavior of optimal consumption and investment policies in aggregate stochastic growth models when utility depends on both consumption and the stock level…

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On the Existence of Optimal Processes in Non-Stationary Environments

Mitra, T., & Nyarko, Y. (1991). On the Existence of Optimal Processes in Non-Stationary Environments. Journal of Economics, 53(3), 245-270.

We consider an aggregative model of intertemporal allocation under uncertainty, in which the utility and production functions are allowed to be time dependent, the random shocks occurring in each period are entirely arbitrary…

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Dynamic Optimization under Uncertainty: Non-Convex Feasible Set

Majumdar, M., Mitra, T., & Nyarko, Y. “Dynamic Optimization under Uncertainty: Non-Convex Feasible Set.” Joan Robinson and Modern Economic Theory, edited by George Feiwel, Macmillan Press, 545-590, 1989.

The object of the book is refinement, not reconstruction; it is study in ‘pure theory.’ The motive back of its presentation is twofold…

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On Characterizing Optimality of Stochastic Competitive Processes

Nyarko, Y. (1988). On Characterizing Optimality of Stochastic Competitive Processes. Journal of Economic Theory, 45(2), 316-329. Reprinted in Decentralization in Infinite Horizon Economies, edited by Mukul Majumdar, Westview Press, 100-113, 1992.

A condition is provided to replace the transversality condition in characterizing the optimality of competitive processes…

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