VOA: Reliable Online Markets for Smallholder farmers

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Problems with economic development in Africa may greatly stem from the government’s interference with the price-system. When it comes to smallholder farmers, they may be over taxed, have failed market design, or be provided with poor infrastructure. What ways can we alleviate the issues within the system that smallholder farmers face with selling their goods? How can we provide them with better security? In December 2019, I spoke with Voice of America Adam Phillips about my thoughts on these issues and how our commodity exchange marketplace app can provide smallholder farmers with security in both producing and successfully selling their goods during an episode of VOA’s international edition.

Global Labour Markets: GCC News Digest

VOA: How Will Brexit Affect Africa?

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As the deadline for Brexit approaches and the United Kingdom prepares to leave the European Union, Africa’s economies must also prepare. How will Brexit affect trade between Africa and the UK, and between Africa and the EU? What are its potential opportunities and pitfalls for Africa’s farmers, and how will Brexit affect African migrants overseas? In October 2019, I spoke with Voice of America’s Adam Phillips about my thoughts on this issue during an episode of VOA’s International Edition.

Global Labour Markets: GCC News Digest

Global Labour Markets: GCC News Digest

Global Labour Markets: GCC News Digest

Global Labour Markets: GCC News Digest

FIELD UPDATE – GHANA AGRICULTURAL MARKETS: Ghana Commodity Exchange Market Council Stakeholder Meeting

On the 2nd of July 2019, the Ghana Commodity Exchange (GCX) held a Market Council meeting to introduce sorghum into the exchange. As part of the meeting, members of the stake holding public (some farmers, traders, reps from Guinness Ghana Ltd – the largest buyer of Sorghum in Ghana – exporters, the Ghana Standards Authority, and members of my research institute – CTED) were taken through the processes required to access the exchange as a sorghum buyer or seller.

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FIELD UPDATE – GHANA AGRICULTURAL MARKETS: My Meeting at the Ghana Commodity Exchange (GCX) on July 1st, 2019

On July 1, 2019, I met with my research collaborator Professor Chris Udry, a great development economist at Northwestern University; Dr. Kadri Alfah, the Chief Executive Officer for the newly created Ghana Commodity Exchange (GCX) who set up the exchange in record time with his team; and a friend/supporter of my research on Ghana’s agricultural markets. After a very productive meeting, we are all looking forward to seeing impact from GCX. We are working on it. Stay tuned!

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